What are the conditions for prisoners in Europe? Are their human rights actually respected?

The JAIL |OD| BREAK project was born from the careful reading of article 27 of the Italian constitution which says: "the penalties cannot consist in treatments contrary to the sense of humanity and must aim at the re-education of the offender". Hence, the questions:

What are the real conditions of prisoners? What does the prison population face on a daily basis? Are they guaranteed the right to health? Is the re-educational principle exercised - and if so - in what terms, or is it simply punitive?

We therefore reflected on different areas to develop our analysis: a general overview of the prison population (gender, citizenship, legal status, age) and its evolution in European countries over time; topical issues such as prison overcrowding conditions, mortality in prisons related to health assessments and staff availability. We therefore tried to understand in which countries the aforementioned conditions were better or worse, to give a developed as possible spectrum of the European situation.

We chose different datasets related to our scenarios, coming from different sources: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Eurostat, World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Browse in our website to discover more about our goals.

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